Preforming Arts welcome back audiences
After a year of performing in front of empty seats, student actors hope to hear plenty of applause. Performances of “All Together Now” begin early November.

Tickets can be purchased at! (Submitted Photo).
October 27, 2021
Central York Performing Arts presents“All Together Now”. A loaded cast, ready to hit the stage and wow audiences. Performances begin Nov. 12 and lasts through Nov. 14 with tickets ranging from $8.00-$12.00 depending on the location of seating.
There will be a great deal of singing from a select catalogue of broadway shows, songs like “Spread the Love Around”, “Tomorrow”, and “You Can’t Stop the Beat” will be performed.
“All Together Now” is led by Director Mr. James Martini as well as Technical director Julie Hilegas.
The technical side of the show is going to be vital in making this play what it is. Lighting, scenery and music all give life to the audience before they even hear a word. Hilegas will lead this task with the help of several students.
“The production has been fun! We have started to build sets and platforms that the cast will stand on. We have also started to plan out how the stage will be painted,” said technical cast member and senior Jayden Burnside.
Unlike traditional shows, “All Together Now” isn’t set-based and relies on platforms opposed to stationary pieces. Martini has even revealed to the cast that projectors will be included in the show.
As far as the cast goes, they are also hard at work while learning their respective parts.
“We are helpful and supportive of each other. It’s going to be a great show,” said senior cast member Christina Ellis.
She also cited her love for the Central community as one of the reasons she decided to join the musical.Central York Performing Arts has kicked off the production of their fall musical “All Together Now.”
“I love the community CYPA has established. It is a great place to express yourself,” she said.