Six more weeks of winter

Photo by Barry Reeger.

Punxsutawney Phil has been accurate 40% of the time over the last 10 years.

Aaron Lecorchick, Editor

Feb. 2, 2023, marks Groundhog day where Punxsutawney Phil came out of his burrow in Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, PA. This year At 7:25 P.M. Phil saw his shadow in front of thousands of people, making for six more weeks of winter.

Groundhog Day is a day celebrated by the United States and Canada dating back to 1887. The significance of groundhog day is when the groundhog comes out of his burrow, and either sees his shadow or doesn’t. If he sees his shadow that means 6 more weeks of winter, but if he doesn’t it means an early spring. Phil has  been the groundhog for the event every year since the first one. 84% of the time Phil has seen his shadow in the 137th year of the special occasion.

“My grandma is a big fan of Punxsutawney Phil and gets me excited for it every year,” said junior Isaac Gable.