Peer tutoring at CYHS provides necessary help for students

Photo taken by Kaitlyn Caudill.

Junior Caitlin Grimm (left) helps junior Alysia Ward (right) with homework from Honors Trigonometry and Precalculus through the peer tutoring program at Central York High School.

School is stressful in numerous ways. Students are compelled to wake up in the early hours of the morning, endure interminable lectures and bear the burden of perpetual homework at times. Then, even after they have satisfied the demands of school, students may find that they still struggle with maintaining satisfactory grades and teachers may be unable to provide adequate assistance. Central York High School’s peer tutoring program is an exceptional resource for students to utilize. 

Peer tutoring runs in the hub during flex every normal cycle day, and it is coordinated by Mrs. Charlotte Utter, one of the school counselors at CYHS. While peer tutoring has existed in the CYHS community, it recently gained a substantial amount of traction. 

“I think there has been a version of peer tutoring for many years,” Utter exclaimed. “When I came to Central in 2004, it was not happening in an organized fashion. I don’t think it was very well used. When we came to the new building in 2005, peer tutoring became much more organized.”

Now, 96 tutors and 100 tutees have enrolled in the program for the 2022-2023 school year. The tutee-tutor ratio is low, showing that students receive the attention that they need for the subjects they receive tutoring for. Ava Romig, a freshman, receives tutoring for Algebra I and science classes, and she believes that the program has helped her succeed.

“I would say that it’s really helpful if I have missing assignments,” Romig said when detailing the benefits of peer tutoring. “They [tutors] help me finish them. They help keep me focused.”

Sophomore Megan Nace tutors each core subject and began to tutor because she wants to make a difference in the lives of students hindered by academics. She recognizes that tutoring is valuable for students who need extra support. 

“I think making that little impact can really help them, and you can encourage them and push them to work harder and give them extra motivation,” Nace voiced.

A distinct advantage of peer tutoring is the perspective of the tutor, as students embrace a role that teachers traditionally fill. Romig acknowledges that this factor is a crucial part of peer tutoring.

“I talk to students that can understand the struggles, which makes it more relatable,” Romig said. 

Moreover, Utter articulates that the main goal of peer tutoring is to improve the academic performance of students, rather than shape perfection. Nace shares the same sentiments. 

“It feels nice to help people and help them understand,” Nace contended. “Even if they don’t understand it, they are one step further.”

Despite the advantages that peer tutoring provides, the program also has specific drawbacks, which are highlighted by Romig. She suggests that improvements could be made. 

“I would say going into private study spaces, so it’s less distracting,” Romig said. However, the hub does not have enough private rooms for each tutor and tutee pair, which raises the possibility of relocation to a quieter place in the future. 

Nevertheless, the peer tutoring program at CYHS is highly effective at giving students hope in achieving their full academic potential.

“I think it is effective to give students the opportunity to receive extra help, to ask questions,” Utter conveyed. “When students truly need help, it can be a lifesaver.”